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Industrial Gas Mixtures and Blends

two white propane tanks are sitting in a field

Industrial Gas Blends

Due to their unique properties and applications, gas mixtures and blends are essential across various industries, from health care to heavy manufacturing. Meritus Gas Partners provides a wide range of high-quality industrial gas mixtures engineered to precise specifications to meet our clients’ needs. 

Custom and Precision Gas Mixtures

Our network of distributors understands that one size does not fit all when it comes to industrial gases. We offer custom and precision gas mixtures tailored to the specific requirements of your processes.

Custom Mixtures

Meritus Gas Partners works closely with clients to develop mixtures that meet the exact specifications required for their applications. These mixtures provide significant benefits, including:

  • Improved process efficiency and product quality.
  • Cost savings.
  • Enhanced safety.

Precision in Gas Mixtures

Applications such as laboratory analyses, medical procedures, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, electronics and high-precision manufacturing require extremely accurate gas mixtures. Our precision gas blends consistently deliver exact concentrations, facilitating optimal performance and compliance with regulatory standards. 

Gas Purity and Quality Control

At Meritus Gas Partners, we are committed to delivering the highest quality and purity in all our gas products. We adhere to strict quality control protocols and industry standards to deliver gas mixtures that are free from contaminants and meet all required specifications.

Gas Mixture Shelf Life

Properly managing the shelf life of gas mixtures is crucial for optimal performance. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Temperature control: Store gas cylinders in a cool, dry area to prevent excessive temperature fluctuations which can affect gas pressure and composition.
  2. Use the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method: Manage inventory by using packaged gases in the order they are received. This reduces the risk of using gases that may have degraded over time.
  3. Regular inspections: Frequently inspect the integrity of cylinders and valves for signs of wear, corrosion or damage. Replace faulty cylinders or components to maintain safety and quality.
  4. Avoid contamination: Before attaching regulators or hoses, ensure gas connections are clean and free from oil, dirt and other contaminants. 

Types of Gas Mixtures

Industrial gas mixtures serve numerous unique applications. Some common types and examples include:

  • Carbon dioxide and argon mixtures: Combinations of argon and carbon dioxide are widely used in welding and metal fabrication to improve weld quality and efficiency. For example, a common mixture is 75% argon and 25% carbon dioxide, which is known for producing cleaner welds with less spatter.
  • Oxygen and acetylene mixtures: Mixtures of oxygen and acetylene provide the high temperatures necessary for oxy-fuel welding and cutting.
  • Nitrogen and hydrogen mixtures: These mixtures are used in heat-treating applications and the production of semiconductors.
  • Helium and oxygen mixtures: Helium and oxygen are used in deep-sea diving to prevent nitrogen narcosis, allowing divers to operate at greater depths.

Explore Our Welding Mixtures

Specialty Gas Products

These include custom blends for specific applications such as:

Mixtures and Blends for All Applications

We can provide custom blends for even the most unique applications, keeping you ahead of the curve with innovative gas mixtures designed for emerging technologies such as 3D printing and pharmaceutical production.

a close up of a stainless steel surface with a brushed finish.

Get Started With One of Our Partners Near You

At Meritus Gas Partners, we are committed to providing exceptional customer support and high-quality gas mixtures. Contact us today to learn more about our custom and precision gas mixtures and how they can benefit your operations. 

Find a partner near you to get started and experience the difference in service and expertise that sets us apart.