Specialty Gas Equipment and Regulators

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Bottled gases need specialty equipment such as regulators, relief valves and flow meters to function safely. Meritus Gas Partners has all the specialty gas equipment you need for industrial, commercial and residential use. 

Overview of Specialty Gas Equipment

Equipment for specialty gas cylinders has unique design features and requires different types of regulators and supporting components, depending on their use. Let’s look at their features and what makes them different in detail. 

What Makes Specialty Gas Equipment Different?

Specialty gases are helpful in industrial and laboratory environments, which require tight control and often require high-purity gases. Designers and manufacturers create this equipment to ensure the gas they work with remains pure, and the flow and pressure are accurate for their purpose. 

Importance of Gas Purity

Gas purity is vital because it gives people an accurate reading of the quality of the final product they produce. For example, it’s crucial in manufacturing, food processing and pharmaceuticals because of the following:

  • Food processing: This industry requires pure gas to ensure the preservation and freshness of foods. 
  • Manufacturing: Cutting processes and controlled atmospheres require pure gas.
  • Pharmaceuticals: This industry relies on pure gases like nitrogen to maintain sterility while synthesizing active medicinal ingredients.  

High-purity gas equipment has stringent quality standards and must provide a consistent product without leaks, contaminants or other risks to the product or the operator. 

Components and Accessories

Specialty gas equipment includes pressure regulators with gauges, flowmeters and fine control valves. Inert calibration gases are useful in this setting to ensure the equipment is accurate and working as it should. 

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Understanding Gas Regulators

Here is a closer look at gas regulators and their supporting components. 

Regulator Types and Their Applications

There are two types of regulators: single-stage and two-stage. The single stage reduces pressure in one step, so its delivery pressure is slightly variable. Therefore, these regulators suit applications where these variations are acceptable, where an operator can readjust as necessary or where the pressure from the inlet is constant.

Two-stage regulators reduce pressure in two steps and maintain constant pressure control even as the cylinder pressure decreases. For applications that require constant outlet pressure, a two-stage is best.   

Supporting Components: Gauges and Flowmeters

Every regulator needs a gauge to monitor and adjust pressure levels properly. 

A flowmeter has two basic types: an electronic mass flowmeter or a rotameter. It is applicable only in a fluid system and indicates the fluid’s flow rate.

Calibration and Maintenance

You must regularly calibrate your specialty gas equipment using calibration gas cylinders for best performance and longevity. Conduct leak and function tests at start-up and an inert gas purge for start and shut down for corrosive or reactive equipment. For non-corrosive equipment, you can perform leak and function tests once or twice a month, increasing as the equipment ages.   

a close up of a stainless steel surface with a brushed finish.

Get Specialty Gas Equipment From a Partner Near You

Meritus Gas Partners is committed to quality and customer service. Our subsidiaries nationwide provide excellent local service and stock their equipment along with our superb range of services and products. Contact us with any queries or to request a quote!