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Gas Delivery Best Practices

Take the guesswork out of your gas supply by establishing a delivery schedule based on your needs and partnering with a reliable supplier. At Atlas Welding Supply, we aim to provide solutions with seamless customer service so that you can do your job better and maximize your business’s efficiency. This means we don’t want you to go a day, or even an hour, without an adequate supply of gas! 

When to Request Gas Delivery

To ensure our customers receive the best service possible without disruptions to their everyday business, we put together a list of best practices to help you better understand your gas supply and determine when it is time to reorder for your next delivery.  

Scheduled Deliveries

Knowing when to request a gas delivery is not always an exact science, so it’s useful to set up scheduled deliveries to eliminate downtime and ensure a steady supply. We advise customers to monitor their gas usage to establish a pattern, which makes it easier to set up a more accurate delivery schedule with us. 

Remember that gas requirements can change at any time. A sudden influx of orders in an industrial setting or a long leave period can affect gas levels. That is why we recommend that customers check gas levels regularly and keep an emergency gas supply available so they are never caught short.  

When Should Dental Offices Request Gas Delivery?

Managing your gas stock and ensuring a stable supply at your dental practice will go a long way to ensuring you and your patients experience less anxiety. Common gases for dental offices include:

  • Oxygen: With oxygen cylinders, you can see your true gas usage as the gauge on the regulator slowly moves from 2,000 psi to 0 psi. When the oxygen levels on your regulator reach around 500psi, swap to your backup tank and make a call to request your next delivery.
  • Nitrous oxide: With this type of cylinder, it’s best to judge what is remaining in the tank by its weight. Once the cylinder is empty and you swap to your backup tank, please make a call to request your next delivery. 

If you do not have backup tanks for these gases, let your Atlas Welding Supply contact know so we can provide one.

How Often Should Dermatology Offices Request Gas Delivery?

Liquid nitrogen comes in different shapes and sizes, depending on your usage. At Atlas Welding, our goal is to find the right equipment that fits your operational needs. Here are two common solutions:

  • Liquid Tanks (180L):  These are filled at our plant and delivered to your location. If these tanks are not pulled from or used daily, their pressure will build up, and you may hear a loud pop. Don’t be alarmed — this is normal. The job of Liquid Tanks is to consistently build pressure within the inner container of the tank to ensure it has the correct pressure needed to fill your handheld bottles. The best way to determine how much liquid nitrogen you have remaining in the tank is to try to move it. For comparison, move a full tank to estimate the difference between a full and almost empty tank. Call to reorder a liquid nitrogen tank when it starts feeling light and becomes easier to move.
  • Smaller Liquid Dewars:  These are available in various sizes ranging from 20L to 50L. To avoid wasting product, keep the lid on when not in use. These tanks are refilled on-site at our customers’ locations.

A good rule of thumb for both liquid nitrogen tanks and liquid dewars is to let your Atlas Welding Supply contact know when you fill your final bottle. This should ensure that we have 1-2 days to get you your next gas delivery on time.

When Should Industrial Customers Request Gas Delivery?

No matter what type of gas you are using, always keep an emergency reserve supply on hand. If you don’t have a reserve cylinder, let us know, and we will ensure you get one. Depending on the project you are working on, place an order for your next delivery when you start using your final bottle or when there are only 2-3 bottles remaining.

Delivery Reliability

Atlas Welding is a top gas supplier, and we know how essential a reliable gas supply is to your business operation. That’s why we go out of our way to ensure you get what you need on time, every time.


Since we carry a wide assortment of gases, we can provide excellent value on fulfilling your order. Popular gases in our inventory include helium, propane, specialty gases and welding mixtures. Although we will make ad hoc deliveries if required, anticipating future usage and setting up a reliable delivery schedule ensures the greatest cost efficiency and peace of mind.

Inventory Monitoring

Atlas Welding Supply is all about efficiency, new solutions and seamless customer service. Two new, convenient ways to reorder gas cylinders include:

  1.  Cell-Based Telemetry: With cell-based telemetry, your system will automatically notify our distribution center that it’s time to replenish your cylinders, and we will schedule a delivery. While it’s a more expensive option, cell-based telemetry allows both you and Atlas Welding Supply Company to constantly monitor your gas consumption. 
  2. New QR Codes: Don’t feel like calling for delivery? Ask your Atlas Welding contact about our new QR codes. We will place a QR code sticker linking to an order form on your tank, allowing you to quickly and easily submit an order. All you’ll have to do is hover your phone over the QR code and you will be directed to an order request form.

Delivery Logistics

Take the stress out of ordering gas. We understand the importance of building meaningful relationships to optimize the supply of gas to our customers. Our team will help you assess your gas and keep tabs on your gas requirements. Our reliable delivery distribution system and customized gas solutions mean you never have to run out of gas and can enjoy hassle-free deliveries so you can get on with work.    

Contact a Meritus Gas Partner to Request Gas Delivery

Keeping your gas supply topped up and avoiding expensive downtime is easier than you think. Atlas Welding Supply is your reliable gas provider. To learn more about ordering your next gas delivery, contact us today

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