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Steps to Handle a Gas Leak Safely

What To Do If There’s a Gas Leak Inside My Business?

First, be aware of any possible confined spaces that may be accumulating high concentrations of CO2 or nitrogen. CO2 and nitrogen displace oxygen and do not support life. Keg coolers, closets, basements, and enclosed rooms should be aired out thoroughly before entry.

If you suspect there is any chance of an accumulation of any type of compressed gas do not enter that area.

If you can, shut off the gas supply that feeds the leak without placing a person at risk of entering a confined space.

If you cannot safely shutoff the gas supply to the leak and you think there is a safety concern, contact your local fire department for assistance. You should also call your local Meritus Gas Partners distributor for further assistance and instructions.

Who Should You Call During a Serious Gas Leak?

If you think you have a serious safety situation, call 911 and request your local fire department to respond. You can then call your local Meritus Gas Partners distributor to advise us of the situation.

What Leak Detection Tools Are Available?

A CO2 alarm is a great tool to warn of high CO2 accumulations in a confined space. The typical CO2 alarm installation includes a CO2 sensing probe (installed in the confined space) and a control unit (installed just outside the confined space being monitored) which displays the current CO2 level. An audible alarm and visual indicator will warn of high CO2 levels from a safe place before entry into the confined space.

Other Leak Detection

Other leak detection tools are available including over-run alarms on green air supply nitrogen separators and in-line flow meters for beverage gas monitoring. As always, the active monitoring from CO2 level alarms are far superior to the passive leak detection of balls floating inside of flow meters. If you have this type of leak detection currently (tiny floating ball inside of a plastic tube) be aware that this type of leak detection is ineffective during busy service times.

We recommend active monitoring of CO2 levels over passive leak detection to our customers. We can advise you on the cost and supply of most available leak detection options.

Where Can You Get a CO2 Level Alarm?

We will gladly assist you in purchasing a CO2 alarm. Please ask one of our beverage gas specialists for assistance. Whether you’re planning on installing the alarm yourself or you would like our certified beverage technicians to perform the work, we are your partner in providing your employees with a safer work environment.

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