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Hydrogen Sulfide Gas

Hydrogen Sulfide Gas for Sale

Hydrogen sulfide is an odorless gas known for its “rotten egg” smell. It is poisonous, flammable and corrosive. This gas is also highly toxic to both humans and animals. High exposure to hydrogen sulfide may cause eye irritation and respiratory issues. It may also cause convulsions, apnea, dizziness, coma and frostbite (in liquid state).

Despite its hazardous properties, hydrogen sulfide has many industrial applications. One of the biggest users of hydrogen sulfide is the textile industry, specifically the production of rayon textiles. It is also prevalent in the petroleum industry, wastewater treatment processes and agriculture.

Types of Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Products

Hydrogen sulfide gas products come in different types and sizes from Meritus Gas Partners. Choose from our wide range of gas products according to your needs.

Hydrogen Sulfide Cylinders and Tanks

At Meritus Gas Partners, we offer hydrogen sulfide gas in cylinders. This is ideal for businesses that need smaller quantities of gas for their operations. We use high-pressure hydrogen sulfide cylinders to contain the hydrogen sulfide and maintain their state while in storage and during transport. Our gas cylinders come in a variety of sizes. They range from 10 to 60 inches in height and a volume capacity of 34 to 100 pounds.

We also cater to bulk supply needs of hydrogen sulfide gas. We use specialty hydrogen sulfide tanks for the gas and facilitate the resupply process on your property. Typically, we install a tank in your location and refill it as needed. Consult with our experts on the most cost-efficient arrangement so you make the most out of your hydrogen sulfide gas.

Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Mixtures

Aside from high-purity hydrogen sulfide gas for sale, we also offer hydrogen sulfide gas mixtures. Some of the hydrogen sulfide gas mixtures we have available are:

  • Hydrogen sulfide air mixture
  • Hydrogen sulfide hydrogen mixture
  • Hydrogen sulfide helium mixture
  • Hydrogen sulfide methane mixture
  • Hydrogen sulfide nitrogen mixture

These mixtures typically have hydrogen sulfide concentrations of 0.5 parts per million, while the partner compound ranges from 2.15 to 10 percent.

Depending on your business operation requirements, we can provide hydrogen sulfide mixtures tailored to your needs. This ensures the efficiency of the gas, leading to a more optimized process. Talk to our experts about your unique requirements.

Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Applications

Hydrogen sulfide is highly toxic and poisonous, but it is widely used in various industries.

Industrial Uses of Hydrogen Sulfide Gas

Hydrogen sulfide has many industrial applications both as a raw material and as a byproduct. Some of the industries benefitting from the use of hydrogen sulfide gas are:

  • Petroleum: Hydrogen sulfide can be present in crude oil. Additionally, the oil refining process can produce hydrogen sulfide, specifically in the desulfurization process of fuels.
  • Mining: Oxidized hydrogen sulfide creates sulfuric acid, which is vital in the formation of caves. It also plays a role in the formation of ore minerals such as copper, zinc and lead and is often referred to as “stinkdamp” in the mining industry due to its odor.
  • Food processing: Hydrogen sulfide helps delay the ripening of fruits and vegetables in storage. It also maintains the vibrant color of the harvest and prevents browning from oxidation.
  • Rayon manufacturing: Hydrogen sulfide is a byproduct of rayon fiber production, particularly the viscose method.
  • Kraft paper production: Hydrogen sulfide can help promote the delignification process in kraft pulping.
  • Chemical manufacturing: Hydrogen sulfide plays a role in the production of thioorganic or organosulfur compounds that are known for their foul smells. These compounds include thioglycolic acid, methanethiol and ethanethiol.
  • Laboratory research: Hydrogen sulfide is critical to the study of antibiotic tolerance.
  • Environmental testing: Hydrogen sulfide is effective in detecting fecal bacteria in water. It is an inexpensive way to facilitate rapid water assessment in remote areas, as well as during floods and natural disasters.

Whatever the intended purpose is, Meritus Gas Partners can provide a regular supply of hydrogen sulfide gas in cylinders and tanks, as well as in various purities and concentrations.

Safety and Compliance

Importance of Safety When Handling Hydrogen Sulfide Gas

Continued exposure to this gas can lead to adverse health effects, so proper handling and storage are necessary. At Meritus Gas Partners, we follow safety measures and guidelines in the storage, transport and delivery of hydrogen sulfide gas. These are some of the safety measures we follow and recommend to our customers:

  • Use personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling hydrogen sulfide gas. This includes respirators, eye protection and fire-resistant clothing.
  • Use exhaust and ventilation systems in storage areas to control hydrogen sulfide levels.
  • Train personnel in the proper delivery, handling and transport of hydrogen sulfide gas.
  • Educate personnel on the safety hazards and first aid treatment in case of exposure to hydrogen sulfide.
  • Have rescue procedures in place in case of hydrogen sulfide exposure.

Compliance and Standards

In compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, Meritus Gas Partners has respirators in place. We recommend the same to our customers to ensure safety when using hydrogen sulfide.

Why Partner With Meritus Gas Partners?

Meritus Gas Partners is a trustworthy distributor of industrial-grade gases. We have a national network of independent gas manufacturers and distributors, giving customers access to affordable and cost-effective products for their business processes. Our various partners allow us to maintain a reliable supply of industrial and specialty gases across the United States. This assures our customers of having the gases they need when they need them.

We put a premium on quality, reliability and service. Beyond the production and distribution of high-quality gases, we also provide our customers with exceptional service. Our experts can provide custom solutions to every customer, making sure every need is met with satisfaction.

a close up of a stainless steel surface with a brushed finish.

Contact Us for Your Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Needs

If you’re looking for hydrogen sulfide gas near you, it’s easy to find a Meritus Gas Partners retailer. Check out this map showing our retail locations and find a distributor where you are. To request a quote or discuss your hydrogen sulfide requirements, fill out our form and our customer care specialists will contact you.