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Shop Select Arc Welding Wire and Supplies

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At The Forefront Of Innovation


Since the company’s founding in 1996, Select-Arc, Inc. has focused on a single goal — setting the welding industry standard by manufacturing the highest-quality products, delivering the best service and providing the best customer value. Select-Arc accomplishes this daily objective by manufacturing a comprehensive line of metal- and flux-cored tubular welding electrode products for multiple applications. 

At Meritus Gas Partners, we strive to provide companies like yours with the best products for challenging welding applications. Our network of independently operated distributors is your one-stop headquarters for Select-Arc welding wire for sale that will exceed your performance and durability expectations. You’ll also receive excellent service from a family-run local business that cares about your company’s success. 

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Choose From an Array of Select-Arc Tubular Welding Products

Select-Arc manufactures a wide assortment of electrodes for multiple tubular welding applications.

Select-Arc carbon steel electrodes like the Select 70CRP are ideal for flux-cored arc welding processes with external gas shielding. Use them to weld over plates coated with weldable primers or rust containing minimal surface defects. They also produce excellent slag removal and are compatible with mechanized or semi-automatic welding on ship panels or barges. 

Select-Arc also offers low-alloy electrodes, including nickel-bearing products like the Select 81-Ni1, a gas-shielded flux-cored wire designed for flat-position and horizontal fillet welding applications involving carbon and low-alloy steels. Typical applications include welding steels that combine moderate tensile strength with superior CVN toughness. 

These electrodes encompass austenitic, duplex, martensitic and ferritic products. The SelectAlloy 308L is an example of an austenitic gas-shielded, flux-cored electrode designed to weld in horizontal and flat positions. The low carbon content reduces carbide precipitation and increases resistance to intergranular corrosion. It also provides a smooth arc transfer with minimal spatter. Standard applications include use in various welding processes for the textile, paper, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. 

A nickel alloy electrode like the SelectAlloy 82-AP is an excellent choice for welding applications involving both heat and corrosion. This product is a nickel-based, flux-cored electrode that can weld in multiple positions. It provides superior performance when using pure carbon dioxide or an argon-carbon dioxide blend as a shielding gas. Consider these Select-Arc electrodes for various uses in desalination plants, piping, petrochemical facilities and power generation plants. 

Hardsurfacing or hardfacing entails depositing thick coatings of hard, wear-resistant materials onto a weld for additional protection. SelectWear BU from Select-Arc is an example of a low-alloy steel hardsurfacing wire designed to protect carbon and other low-alloy steel materials. It primarily serves as an underlying layer for other hardfacing alloys. It can also act as a top layer on products exhibiting non-severe metal-to-metal wear characteristics. 

a close up of a stainless steel surface with a brushed finish.

How to Find Select-Arc Welding Wire Near You

The Meritus Gas Partners’ independently operated distributor network spans multiple states. Every supplier shares our commitment to delivering top-notch service to maximize your customer experience. 

Learn more about Select-Arc and how the company’s wide assortment of tubular welding equipment can benefit your business. Contact us for additional information and to locate a supplier today.

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